
ODU Monarchs

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HackU 3 ODU Team

Getting Started.

  • Fork this repo.
  • Clone the fork to your local environment: git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/hacku3.git

LAMP Environment

The suggested way to run the server is to use Vagrant.

While you could just run this code on your current LAMP set up, Vagrant gives you all the dependencies out of the box and ensures that everyone is using the same environment.

The following steps are for setting up the server using Vagrant.

  • Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
  • Navigate to the web folder under the HackU3 directory.
  • Run the command vagrant up to start the virtual machine.
  • Once the process finishes, enter vagrant ssh to ssh into the virtual machine.
  • Enter cd /vagrant to switch the the working directory.
  • Install dependencies by running: sudo npm install && sudo bower install --allow-root
  • Run grunt server to start the development server.
  • On your host machine, point your browser to http://localhost:8080 and you should see a welcome page.

Any changes you make to the files under hacku3/web, will be synced with the virtual machine and your browser will refresh automatically.

To lear more about vagrant, checkout their documentation

Android App

Open the Android App folder using Android Studio. Android Studio will prompt you to install any missing dependencies. Try to compile and run the app on an emulator.